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Help us bring art to those who need it most…

APPLICATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED.  Thank you to all who applied!

We would like to announce a partnership with the La Quinta Art Celebration and the introduction of the Emerging Artist Show.  The dates for the festival are March 3 – 6, 2022. The program is designed for artists who are beginning their careers as professional artists. These artists are new to the industry and have limited experience in exhibiting their work. Upon acceptance to this program, artists will be mentored and helped with their first time showing at the La Quinta Art Celebration. Only artists applying as an emerging artist should use this application. A booth will be supplied to the artist with some modified restrictions that are different from the general show artist. The La Quinta Art Celebration reserves the right to screen all emerging artist applications to make sure they do not have extensive experience in showing and selling their work. The application process will be the same for all artists with a slight modification. There is an application fee of $50 for all emerging artists and a booth fee of $350. The same commission structure will apply to all sales. You may apply in more than one category, but you must submit a separate application and separate images for each medium. If you are accepted, you may exhibit only in that category for which you have been juried in. Accepted artists must provide their own white tent or canopy. La Quinta Art Celebration will provide pro panels, which artists are responsible for installing. You must email completed application with artwork examples to ivanna@oldtownartisanstudios.org with subject “Emerging Artists Application” or mail to 78046 Calle Barcelona, La Quinta, CA 92253. Please do not send or leave original artwork for review. Five (5) jpeg images of work examples will be accepted.  

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