Now more than ever, art can heal…
“I have been coming to the Studio for 10 years. I like creating items out of clay, especially the totem pole. I have met some very special friends during our class. I really love coming to the Studio.”
– Paul Maloney, Pottery Friends
Old Town Artisan Studios is committed to providing positive art experiences for all people despite age, ability or financial condition.
Our fee-based classes help us to provide free or reduced-fee classes to our friends in need. Through partnerships with local organizations, we serve the local community to provide art experiences for children and adults with special needs, senior and veteran groups, as well as art instruction in after-school programs.
We believe art is healing and has and everlasting impact on us and the world around us.
Providing art experiences in-studio and bringing art to our friends who cannot come to us.
Art is like food for the soul. Your participation in an art class also helps to feed our mission!
Art Happenings
Learn about new and exciting opportunities by exploring each page below!
How you can help
Join our Volunteer TeamWe are always looking for volunteers
We believe art is healing and has an everlasting positive impact on each of us.
Old Town Artisan Studios are trying to help when it comes to art...trying to help when it comes to art
To help with the lack of art at home, Old Town Artisan Studios is currently donating Art To-Go kits to local families in need.
The saying, “Take one day at a time” is so vital right now. We assure you that we are taking each day and filling it with thousands of ‘thank yous,’ all because of you.
– Victory Grund, Founder

Thank You from Our Founder
During these unprecedented times, our organization is committed to continue the mission of bringing healing to the world through art. As the founder of Old Town Artisan Studios, I have received an incredible outpouring of love and support for this mission. We want to say “THANK YOU” for every donation from $10 to $1,000 and more. Every dollar received went directly back to our community and into the hands of those who need it most. Despite the overwhelming restrictions, we are grateful for your confidence in our ability to deliver these meaningful art experiences. We could not have accomplished any of this without your support, so we are incredibly grateful.
Get connected & share your stories with us!
Old Town Artisan Studios
78046 Calle Barcelona
La Quinta, CA 92253
(760) 777-1444
[email protected]